There have been many rumors, ridiculous and real, about the girls that Justin has dated, or has been interested in dating.
Jasmine Villegas
To Bieber fans, Jasmine is best known as being the leading lady in Justin’s hit music video, “Baby”. Jasmine is talented in her own right: she has a recording contract and even has a music video out for her song “Serious.” However, fans just love to associate her with Justin. It was rumored after the video was recorded that Justin liked Jasmine and had even asked her out, but she had a boyfriend at the time. We’re not sure as to whether Jasmine had a boyfriend or not, but she did comment on Justin being a good kisser, much to many fans’ discontent. Like it or not, Jasmine is talented, beautiful, and sweet! Why shouldn’t Justin like her?
Jasmine Sagginario
Jasmine is the most recent winner of Radio Disney’s “Next Big Thing” contest, and part of her prize was to open for Justin in concert. For a while rumors were raging that they were dating, because she was his age and was opening for a couple shows. The rumors got even worse when she was his One Less Lonely Girl on stage at a show. However, the two aren’t dating, so there’s no need to worry.Jacque Pyles
Jacque Pyles is one-third of the newest girl group, The School Gyrls. Rumors have gone around for months now about the possibility of them dating, especially after all their hangout sessions in L.A. He’s even called her “babe” and “my love” on Facebook, hmm. Jacque wasn’t allowed to date till she was 16 though, so any feelings Justin had for her had to wait. Only time will tell if, now that Jacque is 16, the two will try their hands at a relationship.Jessica Jarrell
Jessica is getting a lot of flack for being on tour with Justin right now. From the moment it was announced that she would be opening for him, fans automatically assumed that Justin was dating her, or would be dating her soon. Because the only way you get to open up for someone on tour is if you are interested in them, right? You can relax ladies, we hear that another teen star has his eyes on Jessica. Our lips are zipped as to who, but rest assured that you guys don’t have to worry about Justin and Jessica dating…at least not anytime soon. Caitlin Beadles
Caitlin is one of Justin’s few known official girlfriends. She was one of Justin’s first friends when he moved to Atlanta, and they’ve remained close throughout this whole process. Caitlin gets hated on a lot because of her ambiguous tweets filled with love quotes that constantly leave fans to believe that she’s dating Justin again. After admitting to everyone on Twitter that Justin is the only guy she’s dated, we understand the frustration that arises after she’ll tweet about missing a guy she loved, and then denying it’s about him. You just love and miss every guy that walks down the street, right? While her tweets might be dramatic, Justin’s fans are equally as dramatic about the situation. Caitlin seems to be the girl that many Bieber fans are both envious and hateful towards, probably because she’s remained close to Justin throughout his rise to fame. Lately the hate has been every worse though, as people have begun to hear through the grapevine that they’re dating again…and many “Beliebers” are not happy about the possibility of that.Shay Misuraca
Shay is just an average girl from London, Ontario who just happened to date Justin before he was famous. She remains low key and doesn’t draw the kind of attention that some other girls linked to Justin do. She’s really pretty and just minds her day to day life, playing sports and going to school. She still keeps in contact with Justin though, they were even at a party together not too long ago, and it wasn’t a big deal. We think Shay is the perfect example of why sometimes celebrities eventually realize that there are perks to dating people outside of the limelight.So who do YOU think Justin made/makes the cutest couple with? Jasmine, Jasmine, Jacque, Jessica, Caitlin, or Shay? Some of you guys say he’s linked to too many girls, but what would you do if you were in his position? We already know what Justin would say about this situation. In the wise words of Biggie, “I’m not a player, I just crush a lot.”
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